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EtherInMe: A Pattern Not A Brand

Updated: Jul 11

Introducing the Etherinme Pattern

At EtherInMe, we envision ourselves not as a brand, but as a pattern—a timeless symbol of connection and cultural heritage that transcends the commercial history of branding. Patterns have been a fundamental part of human expression and identity, serving as a visual language that tells the stories of communities, traditions, and values.

Brands vs Patterns

Throughout history, patterns have held deep significance. In ancient Kemet (Egypt), intricate patterns adorned the walls of temples and tombs, depicting scenes of daily life, mythology, and the cosmos. These patterns were more than decorative; they were a way to connect with the divine and ensure the immortality of the soul. Similarly, in ancient Kush, patterns on pottery, textiles, and jewelry symbolized status, identity, and the rich cultural heritage of the Nubian people.

The Emperor of Mali, Mansa Musa, used patterns in his lavish garments and palace decor to reflect the prosperity and sophistication of his empire. In the Pacific Islands, patterns are integral to tattoos and woven mats, representing genealogies, achievements, and the interconnectedness of nature and humanity. In Ghana and Nigeria, traditional patterns like Kente and Adire fabrics carry profound meanings, each design telling a story of heritage, identity, and communal values.

Enter the era of patterns

At EtherInMe, we embrace this ancient concept of patterns as a way to honor our shared human heritage and connect with something greater than ourselves. Our skincare products are crafted with the same care and intention as these historical patterns, designed to nourish not just your skin but your spirit. By seeing ourselves as a pattern rather than a brand, we aim to foster a sense of belonging, continuity, and respect for the timeless wisdom of our ancestors.

Join us in celebrating the beauty and significance of patterns, and experience EtherInMe as a part of your daily ritual—a modern expression of an ancient tradition that values connection, heritage, and holistic well-being.


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